Internet Protocol Gateway
User’s Manual
Revision 1.2
Copyright © 2012 Maretron, LLP All Rights Reserved
Maretron, LLP
9014 N. 23rd Ave #10
Phoenix, AZ 85021
Maretron Manual Part #: M003004
Revision 1.2
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Table of Contents
1.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................1
1.2 Firmware Revision.........................................................................................................2
1.5 Quick Install ...................................................................................................................2
1.6 Theory of Operation.......................................................................................................2
1.7.1 Client/Server Architecture ...................................................................................3
1.7.2 TCP/IP Networks ................................................................................................5
1.7.3 NAT (Network Address Translation)....................................................................5
1.7.4 PAT (Port Address Translation) ..........................................................................6
1.7.5 Static and Dynamic IP Addressing......................................................................6
1.7.6 Software Firewall Configuration ..........................................................................7
1.7.7 Data Security and Encryption..............................................................................7
2.3 Mounting the IPG100.....................................................................................................8
2.4.1 NMEA 2000® Connection....................................................................................9
2.4.2 LAN Connection..................................................................................................9
2.5 Indicators .....................................................................................................................10
3.1.1 Device Instance ................................................................................................10
3.1.2 Installation Description......................................................................................11
3.1.3 Restore Factory Defaults ..................................................................................11
3.2 Device Label................................................................................................................11
3.3 N2KServer® Password.................................................................................................11
3.6 Configuring IP Address................................................................................................12
3.8 Configuring Default Gateway.......................................................................................12
Installation Template..........................................................................................................17
Maretron (2 Year) Limited Warranty...................................................................................18
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Table of Figures
Figure 7 – NMEA 2000® Connector Face Views ....................................................................... 9
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1 General
1.1 Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of the Maretron Internet Protocol Gateway (IPG100).
Maretron has designed and built your gateway to the highest standards for years of reliable,
dependable, and accurate service.
The Internet Protocol Gateway (IPG100) lets you connect Maretron black boxes (MBB100’s),
Maretron touch screens (DSM800’s), PC’s, Mac’s, tablets, or smartphones to an NMEA 2000®
network so you can monitor and control your vessel using Maretron’s N2KView® software. The
conventional way of viewing NMEA 2000® information is with a display on the vessel that is
directly connected to an NMEA 2000® network, but with the IPG100, you are not limited to
direct connected displays. With the IPG100, you can use any device running N2KView®
software to monitor and control your vessel from onboard or ashore.
The IPG100 has an NMEA 2000® and an Ethernet LAN (Local Area Network) port for
exchanging information between the onboard NMEA 2000® network and Internet Protocol (IP)
enabled devices using conventional technology such as routers, switches, and wireless
modems. In addition, the IPG100 includes a USB port used for connecting Maretron’s
hardware license key. The hardware license key is used to enable remote devices running
N2KView® software. For example, if you purchase a hardware license key with three
N2KView® licenses, you can run N2KView® at the helm, another on a handheld device
connected via Wi-Fi, and another at home on your PC or Mac with an Internet connection back
to the vessel. The licenses are floating, so if you were to shut down N2KView® running at
home, you could fire up the third N2KView® license on the vessel.
Figure 1 – IPG100 Network Diagram
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The Maretron IPG100 is designed to operate within the harsh demands of the marine
environment. However, no piece of marine electronic equipment can function properly unless
installed, calibrated, and maintained in the correct manner. Please read carefully and follow
these instructions for installation, calibration, and usage of the Maretron IPG100 in order to
ensure optimal performance.
1.2 Firmware Revision
This manual corresponds to IPG100 firmware revision 1.0.0.
1.3 Features
The Maretron IPG100 has the following features:
• NMEA 2000® interface
• 10/100 Mbps Ethernet LAN interface
• Runs embedded version of Maretron N2KServer® software
• USB port for N2KView® Hardware License Key
• Dedicated platform for N2KView® clients
• Supports Maretron Cloud Services, which allows you to easily connect to your boat’s
network from anywhere with working Internet connection. Contact your Maretron dealer
or Maretron directly for information on Maretron Cloud Services capabilities and pricing.
1.4 IPG100 Accessories
Maretron offers the following accessories for the IPG100:
• PX0852
• PX0837/5M00
USB Waterproof Cover
Waterproof Ethernet Cable 16.4'
1.5 Quick Install
Installing the Maretron IPG100 involves the following steps. Please refer to the individual
sections for additional details.
1. Unpacking the Box (Section 2.1)
2. Choosing a Mounting Location (Section 2.2)
1.6 Theory of Operation
The IPG100 implements the server portion of the N2KView® Vessel Monitoring and control
System, providing the same function as the N2KServer® component running on a Windows
PC. The IPG100, when connected to an NMEA 2000® network, an Ethernet LAN, and a valid
N2KView® Hardware License Key, takes the information from the NMEA 2000® network and
makes it available to N2KView® clients over the LAN interface. N2KView® platinum clients can
also send switching control messages to the IPG100 over the LAN interface and the IPG100
will relay these messages to the NMEA 2000® network. The next section describes in detail
how the N2KView® system is implemented in terms of networking technology.
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1.7 General Concepts
1.7.1 Client/Server Architecture
The N2KView® Vessel Monitoring and Control System is based on a client/server architecture.
In this context, a server is defined as a component that provides services over a network and a
client is defined as a station that requests and uses those services.
Within the N2KView® System, there is one server (called N2KServer®) and one or more
stations or clients (called N2KView®). The server component is implemented by either an
IPG100 or N2KServer® software running on a Windows PC, and the station or client
components are implemented by the N2KView® software. N2KView® software may run on a
Windows PC, Mac, or Maretron’s MBB100 or DSM800. Mobile versions of N2KView®software
are available for iPod, iPhone, iPad and Android devices. The service offered by the server to
the stations (clients) is access to the NMEA 2000® network data that the server receives from
the NMEA 2000® network via its NMEA 2000® gateway. The network over which this service is
offered is implemented as a TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) network,
which is discussed in the next section.
Examples of NMEA 2000® Client/Server Architectures
N2KServer® may run on a Windows PC (using Maretron’s USB100 gateway - see Figure 2 and
Figure 3) or N2KServer® may run directly on an IPG100 (see Figure 4).
Figure 2 – LAN Client/Server Architecture Example with USB100
Figure 2 shows an example of a Local Area Network (LAN) connection including the PC to
NMEA 2000®network connection through a USB100 gateway. A copy of N2KServer® must run
on the PC connected to the USB100, and an N2KView® Hardware License Key must be
plugged in to the PC to supply sufficient licenses for the maximum number of simultaneously
connected clients. N2KView® clients may run on either the PC connected to the USB100, or to
another PC connected to the router, or to a laptop or mobile device connected wirelessly.
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Figure 3 – WAN Client/Server Architecture Example through the Internet
Figure 3 extends the example shown in Figure 2 by adding an external internet access point
across a Wide Area Network (WAN). Although it is possible to setup the network as shown in
N2KServer® at the correct port (6543 or 6544) requires considerable IT expertise.
Figure 4 – LAN Client/Server Architecture Example with IPG100
Figure 4 shows an example of an IPG100 connected between the NMEA 2000® network and a
Wi-Fi/router connected to a PC running an N2KView® client. A copy of N2KServer®
automatically runs on the IPG100; however an N2KView® Hardware License Key must be
plugged in to the IPG100 to supply sufficient licenses for the maximum number of
simultaneously connected clients. As in the previous examples, N2KView® Clients may run on
any computer able to access the N2KServer® on the Ethernet network.
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Figure 5 – Single Client Connection to IPG100
Figure 5 shows an example of a single client connection to an IPG100. A DSM800 (or a
computer, or a MBB100) is connected directly to the IPG100.
1.7.2 TCP/IP Networks
The networking protocol that is used for the communication between the server and stations in
the N2KView® system is the TCP/IP protocol. This protocol is used by the World Wide Web,
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), and many others of the most popular applications on the Internet.
The TCP/IP connection can be made over an Ethernet connection, a Wi-Fi connection, cellular
phone data connection, and many other types of media. In fact, a single packet of TCP/IP
data may traverse multiple types of media on its journey. The TCP/IP protocol is supported by
most operating systems, as well as Internet-connected cellular phones.
Each computer on a TCP/IP network is identified by an IP address unique to that network. An
IP address consists of four numbers, each ranging between 0 and 255, separated by periods.
This is referred to a dotted decimal notation. Examples of IP addresses in this format are, and
The IP address may either be hard coded into the computer (this means that the address is
static which makes the computer easier to find) or assigned at each startup by a DHCP
(Dynamic Host Control Protocol) server, typically found as part of a router. The router can be
configured to reserve a specific address for the computer and then assign that same address
each time at startup. If the router chooses a different address each time, then the computer
may be difficult to find on the network. This is not a problem for a client such as N2KView®, but
servers such as a PC running N2KServer® or the IPG100 must be at a known address.
1.7.3 NAT (Network Address Translation)
If you wish to use N2KView® to view data from an N2KServer® on a WAN through an Internet
connection, please read this section. If your N2KServer® and N2KView® computers are on the
same LAN, you may skip this section.
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In the early days of the Internet, each computer connected to the Internet had its own IP
address. With the explosive growth of the Internet, the number of distinct IP addresses is
starting to run out. It is no longer practical for an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to provide its
customers with individual IP addresses for each component the customer wishes to connect to
the Internet. Rather, the ISP normally assigns each customer a single IP address, and a
router implementing Network Address Translation (NAT) is connected to the Internet
connection (sometimes referred to as the Wide Area Network, or WAN, connection) on one
side, and to the Local Area Network, or LAN, on the other side. Each computer on the LAN
side of the connection will be assigned its own IP address, typically in the ranges 192.168.x.x,
10.x.x.x, and 172.16.x.x through 172.31.x.x, where x can be any number in the range 0-255.
The WAN connection will be assigned a single IP address by the ISP.
Generally, network address translation is performed by a router that is connected to the
Internet via a Cable or DSL connection on the WAN side, and to the local area network (LAN)
via Ethernet or Wi-Fi connections. In order to access an N2KServer® on the local area
network from an N2KView® outside of the LAN. You must configure the router to allow
incoming connections on port 6544 and to forward these connections to the IP address of the
N2KServer® computer. Consult the documentation that came with your router for details.
1.7.4 PAT (Port Address Translation)
If you wish to use N2KView® to view data from an N2KServer® on a WAN through an Internet
connection and your Internet Service Provider does not allow communication on port 6544,
please read this section. If your N2KServer® and N2KView® computers are on the same LAN,
or your ISP allows communication over port 6544, you may skip this section.
N2KServer® requires a connection to be made on port 6544. Routers that support Port
Address Translation can be set up to accept incoming connections on a different port and to
forward these connections to port 6544 on the IP address of the N2KServer® computer. This
change in the port address is known as the ability to do Port Address Translation as well as
Network Address Translation. Not all routers have this ability; please consult the
documentation that came with your router for details.
N2KView® must then be set up to request a connection to the WAN IP Address of the router
and the new port number.
1.7.5 Static and Dynamic IP Addressing
If you wish to use N2KView® to view data from an N2KServer® on a WAN through an Internet
connection, please read this section. If your N2KServer® and N2KView® computers are on the
same LAN, you may skip this section.
If you request a Static IP Address from your ISP when you set up your Internet connection, the
WAN IP address will always be the same. If you didn’t make this request, your ISP will assign
you a Dynamic IP Address, which may actually change from time to time. In this way, the ISP
only needs to have enough addresses to cover its customers who are connected to the
Internet at any given time. If you stop or lose your Internet connection, your Dynamic IP
address will be released and may be reassigned to someone else.
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If you wish to connect to an N2KServer® from outside your vessel’s LAN via an Internet
connection, you have two choices. First, you can request a static IP address from the ISP for
your vessel; secondly, you may register your N2KServer®’s IP address with a “dynamic DNS
websites for more information on how dynamic DNS services operate.
1.7.6 Software Firewall Configuration
If you wish to run N2KView® and N2KServer® on two separate computers and are running a
software firewall product other than Windows Firewall, please read this section. Otherwise,
you may skip this section.
A firewall is designed to protect your computer from unfettered access from the Internet.
There are two kinds of firewalls: software and hardware. A software firewall is a component
such as Windows Firewall or Norton Internet Security. A major function of these programs is to
allow your computer to initiate connections out onto the Internet, but to block your computer
from receiving incoming connections from the Internet. If you wish to be able to view your
vessel’s data from another computer, your N2KServer® computer’s software firewall must be
configured to allow incoming connections from N2KView® stations. The N2KServer® makes
these adjustments to the Windows Firewall software when it is installed. If you are running
firewall software from another vendor, you may have to configure your firewall software to
allow this incoming TCP protocol connection on port 6544.
1.7.7 Data Security and Encryption
Making your vessel’s data available over a LAN or WAN presents multiple security concerns.
First, it is desirable to keep anyone from viewing your vessel’s data without authorization.
Second, and more important, it is imperative that no unauthorized persons be able to place
data onto your vessel’s NMEA 2000® network.
The N2KView® system protects your vessel’s data with multiple levels of protection.
First, any data that passes between the N2KServer® server component and any N2KView®
station components is protected using industry-standard SSL encryption. This encryption
standard is widely used to protect financial information on the internet. Each communication
session negotiates a random encryption key every time a connection is established. This
makes the data secure over public and private Wi-Fi networks, as well as the internet.
Second, each N2KView® station that wishes to connect to an N2KServer® server component
must authenticate itself by means of a server password. The server password is transmitted
by the N2KView® station to the N2KServer® server over the encrypted communication link.
The N2KServer® compares the server password to the one it was programmed with. Only if
the server password received from the station matches the server’s stored password is the
station granted access to the NMEA 2000® network data.
2 Installation
2.1 Unpacking the Box
When unpacking the box containing the Maretron IPG100, you should find the following items:
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• 1 – IPG100 Internet Protocol Gateway
• 1 – Parts Bag containing 4 Stainless Steel Mounting Screws
• 1 – IPG100 User’s Manual
• 1 – Warranty Registration Card
If any of these items are missing or damaged, please contact Maretron.
2.2 Choosing a Mounting Location
Please consider the following when choosing a mounting location.
1. The IPG100 is waterproof, so it can be mounted in a damp or dry location. Note that the
USB Waterproof Cover and Waterproof Ethernet Cable accessories must be purchased
to waterproof all of the connections to the IPG100. The NMEA 2000® network interface
is already waterproof.
2. The orientation is not important, so the IPG100 can be mounted on a horizontal deck,
vertical bulkhead, or upside down if desired.
3. The IPG100 is temperature-rated to 55°C (130°F), so it should be mounted away from
engines or engine rooms where the operating temperature exceeds the specified limit.
2.3 Mounting the IPG100
Attach the IPG100 securely to the vessel using the included stainless steel mounting screws or
other fasteners as shown in Figure 6 below. Do not use threadlocking compounds containing
methacrylate ester, such as Loctite Red (271), as they will cause stress cracking of the plastic
Figure 6 – Mounting the IPG100
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2.4 Connecting the IPG100
2.4.1 NMEA 2000® Connection
The NMEA 2000® connector can be found on the side of the enclosure. The NMEA 2000®
connector is a round five pin male connector (see Figure 7). You connect the IPG100 to an
NMEA 2000® network using a Maretron NMEA 2000® cable (or an NMEA 2000® compatible
cable) by connecting the female end of the cable to the IPG100 (note the key on the male
connector and keyway on the female connector). Be sure the cable is connected securely and
that the collar on the cable connector is tightened firmly. Connect the other end of the cable
(male) to the NMEA 2000® network in the same manner. The IPG100 is designed such that
you can plug or unplug it from an NMEA 2000® network while the power to the network is
connected or disconnected. Please follow recommended practices for installing NMEA 2000®
network products.
Figure 7 – NMEA 2000® Connector Face Views
2.4.2 LAN Connection
The IPG100 has one external RJ-45 LAN connector. The RJ-45 connector enables connection
to an external network, which is necessary for N2KView® clients to be able to connect to the
IPG100. The LAN connector can be made waterproof with the purchase of the optional
PX837/5M00 Waterproof Ethernet Cable, which has a waterproof cover which engages the
threads on the RJ-45 LAN connector, creating a waterproof seal.
2.4.3 USB N2KView® Hardware License Key Connection
The USB port on the IPG100 is for plugging in the N2KView® Hardware License Key
(purchased separately). Hardware license keys that can be used with the IPG100 can also be
used with the Windows N2KServer® software product. The USB connection can be made
waterproof with the purchase of the optional PX0852 USB waterproof cover, which completely
covers the N2KView® Hardware License Key and engages the threads on the USB connector,
creating a waterproof seal.
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There are two types of Hardware License Keys. The “old” key has a plastic case and carries a
“SafeNet Sentinel” logo on the label. The “new” key has a gray metal case and has the Maretron
logo etched into the metal case.
“Old” Key:
“New” Key:
The “new” key is required to use with the IPG100. The “new” key will also work with the
N2KServer® PC software (version 3.0.4 and later). If you have an “old” key from a version of
N2KView® you previously purchased, please contact Maretron sales to upgrade it to a “new” key so
that you can use it with the IPG100.
2.5 Indicators
The IPG100 has three green LED indicators on its top surface:
NMEA 2000: This light will be red for several seconds after powerup while the IPG100 is
initializing itself. Once this process is complete, this light will be lit a steady
green to indicate that the main processor is active. The light will blink on and off
to indicate data being transferred over the NMEA 2000® connection. If this light
is lit red after the initialization has completed, it indicates that a problem has
been detected.
This light will be on steadily to indicate that there is an active link connection
between the IPG100 and the attached device. The light will blink on and off to
indicate data being transferred over the LAN connection. If the light is off, then
there is no active link connection.
This light will be on to indicate that the USB port is active.
3 Configuring the IPG100
The IPG100 has several configurable parameters, which are shown below including the default
values. If you are not using the default values, then you will need to refer to the corresponding
section for configuring the IPG100 appropriately. You may configure the IPG100 using a
Maretron DSM250 display or Maretron N2KAnalyzer® software.
3.1 Advanced Configuration
3.1.1 Device Instance
Program this parameter to the desired instance number for this device. You can program this
parameter to any value between 0 and 252. The default device instance is 0
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3.1.2 Installation Description
This entry allows you to modify the NMEA 2000® installation description text strings. You can
enter any information you like here, such as the date the unit was installed, or the location in
which it was installed, for later reference. Tools such as Maretron N2KAnalyzer® allow you to
view these values later. The default installation description is blank text.
3.1.3 Restore Factory Defaults
This option restores all settings on the IPG100 device to their factory default state.
3.2 Device Label
Program this parameter with a text string which identifies this device. Maretron display
products will display this label text when you are selecting data to display. The default device
label is blank.
3.3 N2KServer® Password
Program this parameter with a text password. Any connecting N2KView® clients must be
programmed with the same password in the “Connections Settings -> N2KServer® Connection
->Password” field in the N2KView® software. The default password is blank.
3.4 Maretron Cloud Services
Configuring this entry to “Enable” allows the IPG100 to attempt a server connection to
Maretron Cloud Services. You may then use Maretron Cloud Services to connect to the
embedded N2KServer and access your boat’s network from anywhere with an Internet
connection, provided that your boat has an Internet connection, your client (PC or smartphone)
has an Internet connection, and you have subscribed to Maretron Cloud Services. If you do not
wish to use Maretron Cloud services, set this parameter to “Disabled” (factory default), to
prevent the IPG100 from attempting to contact Maretron Cloud Services.
3.5 Configuring DHCP
This parameter determines whether or not the IPG100 obtains its LAN connection settings
from a DHCP server on the local area network. When set to “Yes” (the default value), the
IPG100 will obtain all necessary connection settings (IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default
Gateway, and Default DNS) from a DHCP server on the local area network. Most routers have
the capability to act as a DHCP server. Consult the user documentation for your network’s
router for details.
If there is no DHCP server on the local area network (or if the IPG100 is connected directly to
a DSM800 or directly to an MBB100), set the “DHCP” parameter to “No” and manually
configure the IP Address (section 3.6), Subnet Mask (section 3.7), Default Gateway (section
3.8), Default DNS (section 3.9).
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3.6 Configuring IP Address
This parameter is the IP (Internet Protocol) address used by the IPG100. You will need to
specify this address to N2KView® clients in order to allow them to connect to the IPG100. If the
“DHCP” parameter is set to “Yes”, you do not need to configure this parameter. If the “DHCP”
parameter is set to “No”, you will need to configure this parameter.
3.7 Configuring Subnet Mask
This is a mask used to divide an IP Address into subnets. Basically, it tells the computer how
much of the IP Address defines the network, and how much may be used by computers on the
network. For most networks, the first three parts of the IP address define the network (i.e.,
every computer on the network must have the same values), and the last part defines the
computer (i.e., every computer on the network must have a different value). Where the value
255 appears in the subnet mask, the values define the network and must be the same.
The most common value is
If the “DHCP” parameter is set to “Yes”, you do not need to configure this parameter. If the
“DHCP” parameter is set to “No”, you will need to configure this parameter.
3.8 Configuring Default Gateway
This is the IP address of the router. If the “DHCP” parameter is set to “Yes”, you do not need to
configure this parameter. If the “DHCP” parameter is set to “No”, you will need to configure this
3.9 Configuring Default DNS
This is the IP address of a computer on the Internet that can identify and locate computer
systems and resources on the internet. In most cases, this should not be required by the
IPG100 and may be left blank. If the “DHCP” parameter is set to “No”, you will need to
configure this parameter.
4 Maintenance
Regular maintenance is not required; however, an occasional inspection will ensure continued
proper operation of the Maretron IPG100. Perform the following tasks periodically:
• Clean the unit with a soft cloth. Do not use chemical cleaners as they may remove
paint or markings or may corrode the IPG100 enclosure or seals. Do not use any
cleaners containing acetone, as they will deteriorate the plastic enclosure.
• Ensure that the unit is mounted securely and cannot be moved relative to the mounting
surface. If the unit is loose, tighten the mounting screws.
• Check the security of all cable connections and tighten if necessary.
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5 Troubleshooting
If you notice unexpected operation of the Maretron IPG100, follow the troubleshooting
procedures in this section to remedy simple problems.
Clients cannot
connect to the
Troubleshooting Procedure
1. If you have programmed the IPG100 to use DHCP, ensure that there
is an active DHCP server on your LAN.
2. Ensure that the NMEA 2000® connection is secure, and that the NMEA
2000® network is powered.
3. Ensure that you have entered the correct IP Address of the IPG100
into N2KView®.
4. Ensure that the LAN LED on the IPG100 is lit, indicating an active link
connection to the LAN. If it is not lit, check the Ethernet connection
and make sure that the router or device to which the IPG100 is
connected is powered on.
5. Ensure that a N2KView® Hardware License Key is plugged into the
USB port of the IPG100.
6. Ensure that the Password entered into N2KView® under the
“Connections Settings -> N2KServer® Connection” window matches
the password that has been programmed into the IPG100.
7. Ensure that you have not used all of the available licenses on the
N2KView® Hardware License Key.
LAN indicator
not lit
1. Ensure that the network cable is connected both to the IPG100 and to
a switch or router or another network device.
2. Ensure that the device on the other end of the network cable is
USB indicator
not lit
1. Ensure that the N2KView® hardware license key is properly plugged
into the USB connector
NMEA 2000®
indicator not lit
1. Ensure that power is supplied to the NMEA 2000® indicator via the
NMEA 2000® cable, and that the NMEA 2000® connection is secure.
Figure 8 – Troubleshooting Guide
If these steps do not solve your problem, please contact Maretron Technical Support (refer to
Section 7 for contact information).
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6 Technical Specifications
NMEA 2000® Connector
NMEA 2000® Isolation
USB Standard
DeviceNet Micro-C
USB 1.1
Industry Standard Waterproof
No Electrical Connection Across Bridge
USB Connector
USB Type A
Industry Standard Waterproof, for Connection of N2KView®
Hardware License Key Only
USB Supported Signals
USB Auxiliary Power
USB Baud Rate
Ethernet Interface
Ethernet Connector
D+, D-, +5V, GND
+5 Volts < 200 mA
Up to 12 Mb/s
100 Mb/s
Bi-directional Gateway
Full Speed USB Data Rate
Industry Standard Waterproof
NMEA 2000® Standard
Level A
Maritime Navigation and Radiocommunication Equipment & Systems
Maritime Navigation and Radiocommunication Equipment & Systems
FCC and CE Mark
IEC 61162-3
IEC 60945
Electromagnetic Compatibility
NMEA 2000®® Parameter Group Numbers (PGNs)
Response to Requested
PGN Name
Default Rate
126464 PGN List (Transmit and Receive)
126996 Product Information
126998 Configuration Information
059392 ISO Acknowledge
Protocol PGNs
059904 ISO Request
060416 ISO Transport Protocol, Connection Management
060160 ISO Transport Protocol, Data Transfer
060928 ISO Address Claim
065240 ISO Address Command
126208 NMEA Request/Command/Acknowledge
9 to 32 Volts
Operating Voltage
DC Voltage
Power Consumption
Load Equivalence Number (LEN)
Reverse Battery Protection
Load Dump Protection
Average Current Drain
NMEA 2000® Spec. (1LEN = 50 mA)
Energy Rated per SAE J1113
Including Flanges for Mounting
5.000” x 4.500” x 2.375”
127mm x 114mm x 60 mm)
12 oz. (340 g)
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IEC 60945 Classification
Degree of Protection
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Relative Humidity
Rain and Spray
Solar Radiation
Corrosion (Salt Mist)
Electromagnetic Immunity
Safety Precautions
-25°C to 55°C
-40°C to 70°C
93%RH @40° per IEC60945-8.2
2-13.2Hz @ ±1mm, 13.2-100Hz @ 7m/s2 per IEC 60945-8.7
12.5mm Nozzle @ 100liters/min from 3m for 30min per IEC 60945-8.8
Ultraviolet B, A, Visible, and Infrared per IEC 60945-8.10
4 times 7days @ 40°C, 95%RH after 2 hour Salt Spray Per IEC 60945-8.12
Conducted, Radiated, Supply, and ESD per IEC 60945-10
Dangerous Voltage, Electromagnetic Radio Frequency per IEC 60945-12
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IPG100 User’s Manual
7 Technical Support
If you require technical support for Maretron products, you can reach us in any of the following
Telephone: 1-866-550-9100
Fax: 1-602-861-1777
E-mail: support@maretron.com
Mail: Maretron, LLP
Attn: Technical Support
9014 N. 23rd Ave Suite 10
Phoenix, AZ 85021 USA
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IPG100 User’s Manual
9 Maretron (2 Year) Limited Warranty
Maretron warrants the IPG100 to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for two (2) years from the
date of original purchase. If within the applicable period any such products shall be proved to Maretron’s
satisfaction to fail to meet the above limited warranty, such products shall be repaired or replaced at Maretron’s
option. Purchaser's exclusive remedy and Maretron’s sole obligation hereunder, provided product is returned
pursuant to the return requirements below, shall be limited to the repair or replacement, at Maretron’s option, of
any product not meeting the above limited warranty and which is returned to Maretron; or if Maretron is unable to
deliver a replacement that is free from defects in materials or workmanship, Purchaser’s payment for such
product will be refunded. Maretron assumes no liability whatsoever for expenses of removing any defective
product or part or for installing the repaired product or part or a replacement therefore or for any loss or damage
to equipment in connection with which Maretron’s products or parts shall be used. With respect to products not
manufactured by Maretron, Maretron’s warranty obligation shall in all respects conform to and be limited to the
warranty actually extended to Maretron by its supplier. The foregoing warranties shall not apply with respect to
products subjected to negligence, misuse, misapplication, accident, damages by circumstances beyond
Maretron’s control, to improper installation, operation, maintenance, or storage, or to other than normal use or
Statements made by any person, including representatives of Maretron, which are inconsistent or in conflict with
the terms of this Limited Warranty, shall not be binding upon Maretron unless reduced to writing and approved by
an officer of Maretron.
Maretron does not warrant that the functions contained in any software programs or products will meet
purchaser’s requirements or that the operation of the software programs or products will be uninterrupted or error
free. Purchaser assumes responsibility for the selection of the software programs or products to achieve the
intended results, and for the installation, use and results obtained from said programs or products. No
specifications, samples, descriptions, or illustrations provided Maretron to Purchaser, whether directly, in trade
literature, brochures or other documentation shall be construed as warranties of any kind, and any failure to conform
with such specifications, samples, descriptions, or illustrations shall not constitute any breach of Maretron’s limited
Warranty Return Procedure:
To apply for warranty claims, contact Maretron or one of its dealers to describe the problem and determine the
appropriate course of action. If a return is necessary, place the product in its original packaging together with
proof of purchase and send to an Authorized Maretron Service Location. You are responsible for all shipping and
insurance charges. Maretron will return the replaced or repaired product with all shipping and handling prepaid
except for requests requiring expedited shipping (i.e. overnight shipments). Failure to follow this warranty return
procedure could result in the product’s warranty becoming null and void.
Maretron reserves the right to modify or replace, at its sole discretion, without prior notification, the warranty listed
above. To obtain a copy of the then current warranty policy, please go to the following web page:
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