Microtest Scanner MICROSCANNER User Manual

User Guide  
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Table of Contents  
The Keypad .......................................................... 4  
Operating Mode .................................................... 4  
Calibration Mode ..................................................4  
Setting the NVP percentage................................. 5  
Changing Display from Meters to %eet ................ 6  
Battery .................................................................. 6  
High Voltage Protection ........................................ 6  
Technical Support ................................................. 7  
Product Versions ..................................................7  
MICROSCANNER Tests ......................................8  
Wiremap ...........................................................8  
Patch Cable Wiremap ..............................10  
Length ............................................................ 11  
Network Link Indicator  
(MICROSCANNER PRO)......................... 12  
Pair Length ...............................................14  
Coaxial Cabling  
(MICROSCANNER PRO)......................... 15  
Office Identifier ...............................................16  
Office Identifier  
(MICROSCANNER PRO)......................... 17  
Toner ..................................................................18  
Technical Specifications ..................................... 19  
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The Keypad  
When turned on, MICROSCANNER will flash the  
LCD power-up test and then resume the test  
mode that was last executed. MICROSCANNER  
will turn off automatically when no cable is  
detected and no key has been used for 10  
Press to quickly change pairs or adjust  
values. The keys are only active if the  
indicators are shown on the display  
Operating Mode  
Press MODE to select the desired test. The  
available modes are: WIREMAP - OꢀꢀICE  
Calibration Mode  
Turn the MICROSCANNER Oꢀꢀ, then hold the  
MODE key down while pressing the ON key to  
start 'Calibrate' mode. Use MICROSCANNER to  
calibrate cable lengths of more than 50 feet (15  
meters) and up to 1500 feet (457 meters.)  
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Setting the NVP percentage  
Once in Calibrate Mode, the default NVP  
(Nominal Velocity of Propagation) will be  
displayed followed by the overall cable length. The  
cable length is measured with the currently stored  
NVP is the measure of how fast a signal travels  
down a cable compared to the speed of light. The  
result will be represented as a percentage of the  
speed of light. %or an accurate length test, the  
NVP must be set correctly.  
If you know a cable's NVP, change the displayed  
numbers using the ꢀꢀ keys until the appropriate  
NVP is displayed. The cable length will automati-  
cally adjust to the new NVP.  
If you know a cable's length, change the shown  
NVP using the ꢀꢀ keys until the appropriate  
length is displayed. The NVP can be adjusted in  
1% increments, and the length changes accord-  
Cables used for calibration must be at least 50  
feet (15 meters) long. Cable lengths of less than  
50 feet will display ꢀAULT.  
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Changing Display from Meters to ꢀeet  
During Calibration you will be able to switch the  
displayed length from meters to feet by simply  
pressing the MODE key.  
Press the ON/Oꢀꢀ key once the desired cable  
length or NVP is displayed to terminate 'Calibrate'  
mode and store the new calibration factor.  
MICROSCANNER will use it for future length  
measurements until another calibration is  
MICROSCANNER requires a 9 Volt Alkaline  
battery. The Battery icon is displayed on the  
screen when MICROSCANNER detects a low  
battery condition.  
Using MICROSCANNER with a low battery may  
effect the test accuracy.  
If MICROSCANNER is stored for more than one  
month, the battery should be removed.  
Note: MICROSCANNER will not function properly  
with a 9 Volt Carbon Battery.  
High Voltage Protection  
MICROSCANNER is designed to withstand input  
voltage conditions that arise from normal  
telephony applications such as 48 VDC at less  
than 80 ma or 24 VAC used to power many  
keysets. Tests cannot be performed when hazard  
conditions exist on the inputs.  
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Product Versions  
Turn the MICROSCANNER Oꢀꢀ, then hold the ꢀ  
and MODE keys down while pressing the ON key  
to display your hardware and software versions.  
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The Wiremap function tests twisted-pair cabling  
for proper wiring. Your cabling configuration is  
checked for shield continuity, opens, shorts,  
crossed pairs, split pairs, and reversed pairs. Test  
Results are displayed as a numeric representa-  
tion, where the upper line of fixed digits shows the  
detected wires at the MICROSCANNER jack, and  
the lower line of digits indicates the actual wiring.  
This function requires the use of the Wiremap  
Adapter at the far end.  
1. Connect the cable to be tested to the MAIN  
jack (identified on the unit right above the  
modular 8 jack).  
2. To display the Wiremap screen, press the  
MODE key until the word WIREMAP  
appears on the screen.  
%ollowing are examples where MICROSCANNER  
did not detect any faults.  
 ull Wiremap with intact shield shown as a  
ZERO '0' on the right (4 pair, 8 wires)  
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10BaseT Cable  
Token Ring  
(2 pair, 4 wires)  
(2 pair, 4 wires)  
Below are examples of wiring faults. The ꢀAULT  
indicator will be displayed and the numerical wire  
indicators will blink.  
Pair 3 - 6  
Pairs 4 - 5, 3 - 6  
Split Pair  
Note: If a cable is wired correctly, pin-to-pin, but  
there is a split pair, Wiremap will display SPLIT  
PAIR. /or example a wire from the 1 - 2 pair  
could be twisted with a wire from the 3 - 6 pair.  
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If the wire does not go to the far end, the  
numerical indicator for the open will be left blank.  
The word Open will be displayed. Shorted pairs  
are indicated with a connecting bracket, and the  
word Short will be displayed.  
Open: Pair 4 - 5  
Short: Pair 1 - 2  
When the wiring fault includes shorted or  
swapped non-pair pins (e.g. non-pair pins 1 - 3),  
the wiremap will display dashes for those  
numerical wire indicators.  
Patch Cable Wiremap  
The Wiremap function can also be used to verify  
patch cables.  
1. Simply plug the two ends of a cable into the  
two modular 8 jacks (MAIN and LOOP  
2. To display the Wiremap screen, press the  
MODE key until the word WIREMAP  
appears on the screen.  
If there are any miswires, the number of the faulty  
wire will blink.  
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The Length function measures the full length of a  
twisted pair or coaxial cable. Twisted pair: If you  
are measuring standard pair length,  
MICROSCANNER will determine whether the  
cable is open, shorted, or connected to a hub.  
1. Connect the cable to be tested to the MAIN  
jack (identified on the unit right above the  
modular 8 jack).  
2. To display the length screen, press the  
MODE key until the word LENGTH appears  
on the screen. The overall cable length will  
be shown.  
No Cable attached  
70 feet cable  
If the far end of a cable is connected to a hub,  
MICROSCANNER will display HUB and the cable  
length. The cable is considered connected to a  
hub when the 3 - 6 pair is terminated and either  
pair 1 - 2 or 4 - 5 is terminated.  
Length to Hub  
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Some early model 100TX only network equipment  
does not generate link pulses and  
MICROSCANNER will display HUB, the cable  
length and the word SIGNAL.  
Network Link Indicator (MICROSCANNER PRO)  
The Network Link Indicator allows you to find  
and identify active network 10/100 hubs and  
confirm to which hub MICROSCANNER is  
connected. It will blink the hub’s status indicator to  
assist locating a single channel in a busy wiring  
1. Connect the cable to be tested to the MAIN  
jack (identified on the unit right above the  
modular 8 jack).  
2. To display the length screen, press the  
MODE key until the word LENGTH appears  
on the screen. MICROSCANNER displays  
the word Hub followed by the length to the  
3. When MICROSCANNER displays Hub and  
the cable length, press the MODE key to  
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activate the blinking Hub light.  
The word SIGNAL blinks once every two seconds  
right below the word Hub. Go to the wiring closet  
to view a light that blinks once every two seconds  
at the port to which the cable is connected.  
MICROSCANNER detects the kind of hub it is  
connected to: 10, 100, or 10/100 alternately will  
be displayed right after the word Hub. The  
number is followed by the letters and/or H as an  
indication for the hub's full or half duplex capabili-  
ties. Descriptions are as follows:  
10 H  
10 H% - 10BASE-T full duplex  
100 H - 100BASE-TX  
- 10BASE-T  
100 H% - 100BASE-T full duplex  
100 H%4 - 100BASE-T full duplex, 100BASE-T4  
MICROSCANNER also Identifies workstations.  
1. Connect the cable to be tested to the MAIN  
jack (identified on the unit right above the  
modular 8 jack).  
2. To display the length screen, press the  
MODE key until the word LENGTH appears  
on the screen. MICROSCANNER displays  
the word PC followed by the length to the  
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3. When MICROSCANNER displays PC and  
the cable length, press the MODE key to  
activate the blinking Hub light.  
Pair Length  
If ꢀꢀ are displayed, you will be able to show  
detailed pair information for each standard  
conductor pair.  
1. Press the key to display Pair 1 - 2 length.  
2. Press the key again to display the other  
pair combinations.  
The pair length is not measured if the cable is too  
long, connected to a hub, or a wiremap adapter is  
Pair 1 - 2 Length  
Pair 1 - 2  
not measurable  
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Coaxial Cabling (MICROSCANNER PRO)  
Note: This feature is available in the residential  
version or when using the COAX upgrade kit.  
MICROSCANNER measures the full length of a  
50 and/or 75(Ohms) coaxial cable, e.g. RG-6  
and identifies its termination state.  
1. Attach the supplied COAX adapter to the  
MAIN jack (identified on the unit right above  
the modular 8 jack).  
2. Connect the cable to be tested to the COAX  
adapter jack.  
3. To display the length screen, press the  
MODE key until the word LENGTH appears  
on the screen. The overall cable length will  
be shown.  
If the coaxial cable is not terminated at the far  
end, the word Open will be displayed.  
If a shorted cable is detected, the words  AULT  
and Short will be displayed, and the length  
where the short has been found.  
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Office Identifier  
The Office Identifier function allows you to find  
the termination of an office cable drop from a  
wiring closet. By inserting the Office Identifier  
adapters into RJ-45 office wall outlets,  
MICROSCANNER can identify office locations at  
the patch panel.  
The Office Identifier plugs are included in the  
optional Office Identifier accessory kit. They are  
uniquely numbered. The Wiremap Adapter may  
also serve as an Office Identifier plug and will be  
displayed as OꢀꢀICE 4.  
1. Connect the cable to be tested to the MAIN  
jack (identified on the unit right above the  
modular 8 jack).  
2. To display the Office Identifier screen, press  
the MODE key until the word O  ICE is  
displayed on the screen.  
3. Insert the Office Identifier plugs into wall  
outlets in the offices you wish to locate.  
4. At the patch panel, run the Office Identifier  
function to identify which office is connected  
to a given port.  
MICROSCANNER will display the number of the  
Office Identifier found.  
Office 4 found  
No office found  
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Office Identifier  
The Office Identifier function allows you to find  
the termination of a twisted pair and/or a coax  
cable drop from a distribution panel. By inserting  
the Office Identifier adapters into wall outlets,  
MICROSCANNER can identify office locations at  
the distribution panel.  
The Office Identifier plugs are included in the  
optional Office Identifier accessory kit. They are  
uniquely numbered and have RJ-45 connectors on  
one end and COAX connectors on the other end to  
allow identification of RJ-45 and/or COAX outlets.  
1. Attach the coax adapter to the MAIN jack  
(identified on the unit right above the modular  
8 jack).  
2. To display the Office Identifier screen, press  
the MODE key until the word O  ICE is  
displayed on the screen.  
3. Insert the Office Identifier plugs into wall  
outlets in the offices you wish to locate.  
4. At the distribution panel, connect the cable to  
be tested to the coax adapter and run the  
Office Identifier function to identify which  
office is connected to a given port.  
MICROSCANNER will display the number of the  
Office Identifier found.  
Office 1 found  
No office found  
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Toner is a cable tracing function that assists in  
tracking cables hidden in walls, ceilings, floors, or  
patch panels by generating four distinct multi-tone  
signals that can be received by a cable tracer. To  
trace a cable, use Microtest's Cable Tracer II, or  
any equivalent tracing device, to convert a signal  
on the cable into an audible tone. To determine  
the cable path, simply trace along the wire using  
the audible tone as a guide. The tracer needs to  
be within one foot of the hidden cable. You may  
select one of four different tone sequences,  
displayed as the numbers 1-4 on the LCD.  
1. To display the Toner screen, press the  
MODE key until the words SIGNAL and  
TONE are displayed on the screen.  
2. To select a different tone sequence press the  
or key.  
Display for time frames with #3 signal tone  
To enhance the signal insert a grounding plug into  
the ground jack located next to the MAIN and  
LOOPBACK jacks. A grounding plug is included  
in the optional Cable Tracer II kit. You may use  
any grounding cable that has a standard insulated  
phone tip plug.  
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Technical Specifications  
13.97 cm x 8.25 cm x 2.54 cm (5.5" x 3.25" x 1")  
Wiremap Adapter:  
7.62 cm x 3.18 cm x 2.11 cm (3" x 1.25" x .83")  
Office Identifier:  
7.62 cm x 1.60 cm x 1.47 cm (3" x .63" x .58")  
Coax Adapter:  
7.62 cm x 1.60 cm x 1.47 cm (3" x .63" x .58")  
Ground pin receptacle size: 2.03 mm (.08")  
MICROSCANNER : 171.54 g (.38 lbs)  
Wiremap Adapter/Office Identifier: 9.03 g (.02 lbs)  
Power Source: 9 V Alkaline battery  
User Interface:  
Display: Custom LCD  
Size: 4.42 cm x 2.15 cm (1.75" x .85")  
Keypad: %our momentary contact keys  
Operating Temperature:0° to 50°C (32° to 122°%)  
Storage Temperature:-10° to 55°C (14° to 131°%)  
Humidity: 10% to 90% non-condensing  
Shielded and unshielded twisted pair cable, 75 or  
50 ohm coaxial cable, 10 or 10/100 BASE-T  
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Test Interface:  
Modular 8 connector for length,  
10/100 link identification, wiremap,  
office identifier/room identifier, trace  
Loopback: Modular 8 connector for patch cable  
Calibration: User selectable NVP  
NVP calculation based on known cable length  
Minimum length: 15 meters (50 feet)  
Maximum length: 450 meters (1500 feet)  
Office Identifier:  
Maximum length: 150 meters (500 feet)  
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